Trump Worked at a McDonald’s, and It Was Weird
Presidential candidates do all sorts of stupid stuff in order to appeal to voters. Despite spending 90 percent of their lives in air-conditioned rooms on the coast (and the other 10 percent on vacation), every four years like clockwork, they’ll throw themselves into a local county fair or make an appearance at a blue-collar job to show the people that they’re “just like them.”
This isn’t party-specific, either. For some reason, American politicians across the aisle think that the best way to meet the concerns of workers isn’t to actually pass legislation that will help them, but instead show up at their workplaces and tell them that they “see you and hear you,” all before heading back into their offices to wash their hands, then pass another “let the plastic companies pollute the rivers” bill.
Former President Donald Trump was the most recent politician to attempt this stunt, and the results were, well, strange. A noted McDonald’s lover, it was only fitting that Trump worked at the restaurant, serving items to a pre-selected group of people. Still, watching the whole thing, it really feels like we’ve all died and that this is some sort of shared, post-mortem hallucination.
Only two weeks until the election is over, folks!
I don’t know who at the Trump campaign thought it was a good idea to put Donald Trump working at a McDonald’s drive-thru for a photo-op, but THANK YOU!
— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) October 20, 2024
President Trump: “I’ll never forget this experience…”
— Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) October 20, 2024
— Art Candee (@ArtCandee) October 20, 2024
The guy at McDonald's tells Donald Trump what to do at the fry machine and he proceeds to do it wrong.
Donald can't even follow basic instructions.
Listen to this Indian dude that pulls up
— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) October 20, 2024
All Americans love Trump